블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2023. 2. 15. 07:17
PARTⅠ. 핵심독해 모의고사 핵심독해 모의고사 01회 01 밑줄 친 half metal and half idea가 다음 글에서 의미 하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Coding has always had a mysterious hint of magic about it. 코딩은 항상 그것에 관해 신비로운 마법적 느낌을 가지고 있어 왔다. It’s a form of engineering, sure. 물론, 그것은 공학의 한 형태이다. But unlike in every other type of engineering — mechanical, industrial, civil — the machines we make with software are woven from words. 그러나 기계 공학, 산업 공학, ..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2023. 2. 15. 07:08
[분석] 리딩마스터 실전독해 1강 2번 02 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? When we carefully examine the genetics of the simplest kinds of animals and their ancestors, we can learn something crucial about ourselves. Down at the base of the tree of animal life, deep in the ancestral roots, it becomes impossible to tell the difference between our kin and the forerunners of mushrooms. Animals and fungi merge, forming a stout ①..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2023. 2. 15. 07:05
[분석] 리딩마스터 실전독해 1강 1번 01 밑줄 친 half metal and half idea가 다음 글에서 의미 하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Coding has always had a mysterious hint of magic about it. It’s a form of engineering, sure. But unlike in every other type of engineering — mechanical, industrial, civil — the machines we make with software are woven from words. Code is speech; speech a human utters to silicon, which makes the machine come to lif..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2023. 2. 15. 06:51
[5강-2] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 leading them to judge issues on their merits 2. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? It is obvious that organized party spirit is one of the greatest dangers of our time. In the form of nationalism it leads to wars between nations, and in other forms it leads to civil war. It should be the business of teachers to stand outside the strife of parties and endeavour to instill..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2023. 2. 14. 07:45
[5강-1] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 while ignoring the long-term cost of their expenditures. 1. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Consumers usually attempt to spend as little as possible. However, it is often the case that people become too concerned with spending as little as possible in the short term, while ignoring the long-term cost of their expenditures. Homebuilders are keenly aware that most homeb..