블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2019. 11. 17. 09:25
중2 영어 능률_김성곤_한줄해석(희나리 영어카페) 더 많은 자료는 네이버 카페에서 이용가능합니다. 카페의 자료는 등급에 따라 차등 이용할 수 있습니다. 참조하세요. https://cafe.naver.com/likasunicafe 리카수니 카페 : 네이버 카페 영어자료 공유를 목적으로 운영되는 카페입니다. cafe.naver.com 1과 내용보기 Lesson 1. Express Yourself All About Selfies! 셀피에 대한 모든 것! # Selfie Facts 셀피와 관련된 사실들 * Are you interested in selfies? 당신은 셀피에 관심이 있는가? You probably like to post selfies on social media, but how much do y..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2019. 8. 7. 09:23
[본문TEXT 3과] 영어2 동아(권혁승)_Everyday Metaphor Everyday Metaphor How can you go? Return to my relief, Leave me not drowning in a sea of grief. Alas! He's fled forever from my sight, And my hopes vanish into horror's night. Ned Ward Metaphor is commonly used throughout all types of literature, but it is used most commonly in poetry. In the first two lines of the poem above, the speaker is asking her l..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2019. 8. 7. 09:21
[본문TEXT 2과] 영어2 동아(권혁승)__POSTURE Hygge in Denmark I'm currently on a flight to Denmark. I've never been there, and when my friend Camila invited me to visit her, I didn't hesitate. I first met Camila when she came to my school as an exchange student three years ago and she stayed with my family for two weeks. Ever since, she and I have been exchanging letters. I can't say I know a lot about Denm..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2019. 8. 7. 09:19
[본문TEXT 1과] 영어2 동아(권혁승)_POSTURE POWER POSTURE POWER Sit up straight! Stop slouching! You must have heard comments like these a million times from your teachers and parents. You have probably come across similar advice in the media as well—on TV, in magazines, or on the Internet. People are taking this advice seriously, spending money on things like yoga classes and special chairs. Even schools a..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2019. 8. 6. 09:35
[본문TEXT 3과] 영어2 금성(최인철) A Meeting of the Minds A Meeting of the Minds Host: Good evening! Welcome to Dream Time. Every Friday, we invite four historical figures to share the wisdom that allowed them to make their remarkable achievements. Today, we have some great minds, including well-known inventors, a scholar, and the very first female Nobel prize winner joining us. Please welcome our guests! ..
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