블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2023. 1. 29. 08:31
[2강-1] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 2. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Mr. Carter, Thank you for the interest you have shown in the FC Rainbow City 50 Year Anniversary products. The reason I'm writing this email is to provide you with an update on your recent order. We regret to inform you that due to unprecedented levels of demand in an extremely short space of time we're unable to fulfil your order for t..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2023. 1. 29. 00:48
[1강-4] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 4. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Mr. White, I feel sincerely honored and privileged that you have invited me to be the guest speaker at the upcoming regional conference of the Personnel Management Association. I am fully aware that this will be a prestigious event, considering that you have invited a few senators to this gathering. Regrettably, as much as I would like ..
블로그 지난 자료실 코코스학원 2023. 1. 28. 21:30
[1강-3] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 3. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Mr. Perkins, Thank you for sending your work samples and discussing your views about the editor's position we have opened. I have reviewed your work and reflected at length on our last conversation, particularly your hesitancy to demonstrate your editorial approach to analytical topics. Since we talked I have interviewed several other c..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2023. 1. 28. 09:49
[1강-2] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 02 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Mr. Carter, Thank you for the interest you have shown in the FC Rainbow City 50 Year Anniversary products. The reason I'm writing this email is to provide you with an update on your recent order. We regret to inform you that due to unprecedented levels of demand in an extremely short space of time we're unable to fulfil your order for t..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2023. 1. 28. 08:04
[1강-1] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 1. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Dear Blue Light Theater, Every year the Modern Art Association holds an awards night to honor accomplished artists in our state. For this year's program, we are featuring new and progressive artistic groups like yours. In a matter of one year, your vocal group has become well known for its unique style and fantastic range. We will be honored..