[2강-4] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2023. 2. 1. 07:32
[2강-4] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석
04 다음 글에 드러난 'I'의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은? At my high school, two students were accepted to Tufts University. However, the editor of our newspaper, who had worked his whole high-school career for a Tufts admission, was rejected. Upon hearing that news, I was overwhelmed with anxiety about my own chances of getting accepted. That morning, all I could think about was Tufts University. At about 10:30, an assistant from the front office came to get me out of math class and handed me a note to call home. I knew this was it. My heart pounded. My hands shook. I was short of breath. I had no right to expect a "yes," but I wanted it more than anything in my life. I dialed our number. It rang twice. My mom picked up. Laughing with happiness, she said, "You got in! You got into Tufts!!" I jumped up and yelled, "Yes!" attracting the attention of everyone in the front office. A thrill ran through me. It was a moment that I will never, ever forget. ① jealous grateful ② surprised relieved ③ indifferent → thrilled ④ nervous → overjoyed ⑤ excited disappointed
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