[2019기출] 상지여고 영어내신 동아(권혁승) 2과_성남고 2학년자료
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2020. 4. 30. 07:54
[2019기출] 상지여고 영어내신 동아(권혁승) 2과_성남고 2학년자료
학교별 기출문제를 분석정리하고 있습니다~
다음 빈칸(A)와 (B)에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? [상지여고 2과]
Let’s suppose a big marathon is coming up. One safe prediction is that many of the top places will go to Ethiopia. What helps these runners achieve their best is one of the healthiest foods in Ethiopia: a tiny grain called teff. One cup on teff has more calcium than the equivalent amount of milk and twice as much iron as wheat. (A)________, it contains the same amount of protein as an egg white. Ethiopians use this super grain mainly to create their traditional food injera. It is a soft, flat bread that is a staple of the traditional Ethiopian meal. (B)________ Ethiopians eat injera, they sit around a low table and share it with others. Try injera in your diet, and you may find yourself performing a little more like an Ethiopian runner.
① However / Although
② Therefore / Because
③ For instance / Why
④ As a result / If
⑤ In addition / When
다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, ①~⑤중에서 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [상지여고 2과]
Therefore, it is common for to buy bread from a bakery, meat from a butcher, and vegetables from a farmer’s market.
Have you heard about the “French Paradox”? French people have a diet full of cream, pastry and cheese, and yet their rates of obesity and heart disease are very low. (①) Perhaps part of the reason French people stay healthy is that finding quality food is very important to them. (②) They know that good ingredients are needed to create healthy meals that are delicious. (③) French people are willing to take the trouble to find high-quality food that will please their palate. (④) It is definitely more time-consuming and sometimes more expensive than purchasing food from a grocery store, but the quality is better. (⑤) The French believe that quality food means pleasure in the short term and health in the long term.
정답: ④
[서술형] 다음 글 (A)의 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 주어진 어휘만을 이용하여 영작하시오. (필요한 경우 단어형태를 바꾸세요) [상지여고 2과]
Japanese people typically arrange their meals in an orderly way on small dishes rather than piling food on a plate. Small portions and colorful foods make a visually appealing presentation. (A) 이러한 식사 방식은 여러분들로 하여금 눈으로 먹도록 권장한다. When people sit down to eat at the table with beautifully arranged food, they slow to appreciate the wonderful presentation of food. This means that they will often eat more slowly, which gives their brain enough time to realize that their body is full before they eat too much.
이러한 식사 방식은 여러분들로 하여금 눈으로 먹도록 권장한다.
of / eat / eyes / encourage / dining / with / you / to / your
→ This way ____________________________________.
of dining encourages you to eat with your eyes