영어_시사(한상호) 7과 서울예고 영어내신_서술형
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2019. 12. 11. 09:13
영어_시사(한상호) 7과 서울예고 영어내신_서술형
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리카수니 카페 : 네이버 카페
영어자료 공유를 목적으로 운영되는 카페입니다.
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Most industrialized countries have produced a number of good architects. (가) 그러나 위대한 건축가를 배출했다고 주장할 수 있는 나라는 거의 없다. One country that can make that claim without embarrassment is Spain. There, at the summit of the nation's architectural genius, (A) [stands / stand] Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926).
Gaudi was born in Catalonia, Spain, in 1852. As a child, he was fascinated by the natural wonders of the surrounding countryside. Gaudi took an interest in architecture at a young age and studied architecture in Barcelona, the city that would become home to his greatest works.
Gaudi's designs were deeply influenced by forms in nature. He understood that the natural world is full of curved lines, rather than straight lines. As a result, most of his constructions use curved stones and animal- or plant-shaped designs. Gaudi's work is also known (B) [for / as] its use of bold colors. He decorated many of his buildings with colorful tiles. This combination of natural designs and bright colors (C) [creates / create] a breathtaking visual experience. Here are some of Gaudi's greatest works, (D) [all of them / all of which] are found in the city of Barcelona.
[서술형] 밑줄 친 (가)와 같은 뜻이 되도록 [보기]에 있는 단어와 어구들을 사용하여 어법에 알맞은 영어 문장을 완성하시오. [서울예고 7과]
● <보기>에 있는 단어들 중 필요하지 않은 단어는 사용하지 말 것
● 다른 단어 형태는 변화시키지 말되, 동사 produce는 어법에 맞게 변형하여 고칠 것
● 답안 작성 시 ‘however’를 포함하여 전체 문장으로 작성할 것
● 완전한 전체 문장은 어법에 맞아야 하며, 보기에 있는 단어는 중복해서 사용할 수 없음
little / a few / few / a little / produce / claim / a great architect / can / country / countries
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
① Sagrada Familia is the most widely-known symbol of Barcelona and one of the world's largest churches. Begun in 1882, it has been under construction for more than one hundred years. ② It is expected that the church will be completed in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death. Despite its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia's incredible design draws an estimated 2.5 million tourists every year.
On the outside, the church will have 18 high towers. When completed, the highest tower will reach a height of 170 meters. ③ The walls are decorated with sculptures that describe events in the Bible. When you step inside the church, the large columns supporting the ceiling immediately catch your eye. The columns branch out at the top so that each column looks like a huge tree. Between the columns are skylights to let natural light in. The colorful stained glass windows filter the sunlight and project red, blue, and green light all over the interior space. ④ The tree-like columns and the different light at different times of the day transform the inside of the church into a stone forest.
These are only three of Gaudi's many works in or near Barcelona. ⑤ All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have named UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These extraordinary works show how important Gaudi was to the development of modern architecture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Even today his imaginative, creative, unique architecture characterizes the city of Barcelona. 바르셀로나의 어떤 방문객도 안토니 가우디의 이러한 작품들을 보지 않고 떠나고 싶지는 않을 것이다.
[서술형] 아래에 주어진 단어들만으로 위 글 (A)의 우리말 해석과 어법에 맞게 문장을 완성할 때, 빈칸을 완성하시오. [서울예고 7과]
● 필요시 동사는 형태 변형 가능.
● 주어진 단어들을 모두 사용할 것. (단, 주어진 단어를 반복 사용 불가)
● 답안 작성 시 빈칸을 포함한 문장 전체를 쓸 것
<보기> see / would / leave / want / to / without
→ No visitors to Barcelona ______________________ these works of Antoni Gaudi.