영어_능률(김성곤) 7과 가락고 영어내신_서술형
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2019. 12. 7. 23:28
영어_능률(김성곤) 7과 가락고 영어내신_서술형
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리카수니 카페를 이용하세요^^
리카수니 카페 : 네이버 카페
영어자료 공유를 목적으로 운영되는 카페입니다.
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
And now, in one of its most innovative uses yet, hanji may soon be traveling into outer space. Korea and the U.S. are planning to use hanji on robots and spacecraft through a join project ① funded by NASA. The paper has special properties ② that will help protect spacecraft from the harmful rays of the sun. Scientists hope to use hanji in the future for space probes since it is less expensive and lighter than the currently used materials.
As you can see, people keep ③ transforming hanji for countless uses. Its ability ④ to adapt to the needs of every generation has led to the revival of this traditional paper. So long as hanji continues ⑤ to treasure, there may be no limit to how it will be enjoyed in the future.
[서술형] 위 글을 참고하여 우주선이나 우주탐사선을 만들기에 적합한 한지의 특징을 모두 찾아 우리말로 쓰시오. [가락고 7과]
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
One of hanji’s newest uses is ___________ for the ears. Customers can now buy speakers that use vibration plates and outside panels made of hanji. Compared to regular speakers, the sound that comes from hanji speakers is stronger and sharper. The paper's thickness and ability to absorb sound help the speakers pick up the smallest vibrations. Furthermore, 한지의 내구력 덕분에 시간이 흘러도 소리가 변하지 않을 것이라는 사실은 이 스피커를 훌륭한 구매품이 되게 한다. Serious music lovers will really be able to appreciate the great sound quality of these speakers.
[서술형] 위 글의 밑줄 친 우리말의 뜻이 되도록 주어진 단어를 모두 사용하여 영어 문장을 완성하시오. (어형변화, 단어 추가 가능) [가락고 7과]
<보기> the sound / make / over time / strong / change / because / a great purchase / will / the fact / these speakers