[기출문제] 2019년 3월 고2 영어모의고사_토평고 영어내신
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2019. 7. 22. 07:25
[기출문제] 2019년 3월 고2 영어모의고사_토평고 영어내신
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2019년 요청되는 자료는 업데이트 자료로 올려지고 있습니다. 참조하세요~
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2019년 3월 모의고사 34번]
Credit arrangements of one kind or another have existed in all known human cultures. The problem in previous eras was not that no one had the idea or knew how to use it. It was that people seldom wanted to extend much credit because they didn’t trust that the future would be better than the present. They generally believed that times past had been better than their own times and that the future would be worse. To put that in economic terms, they believed that the total amount of wealth was limited. People therefore considered it a bad bet to assume that they would be producing more wealth ten years down the line. Business looked like a zerosum game. Of course, the profits of one particular bakery might rise, but only at the expense of the bakery next door. The king of England might enrich himself, but only by robbing the king of France. You could cut the pie in many different ways, but it never got any bigger.
① Why Credit Arrangements Aren’t Popular in the Past
② Credit Arrangements: Is It a Blessing or a Curse?
③ The History of the Credit Arrangement
④ The Importance of Credit in Economy
⑤ Can Credit Replace Wealth?
다음 글 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2019년 3월 모의고사 40번]
When a child experiences painful, (A)[disappointing / disappointed], or scary moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense emotions and bodily sensations flooding the right brain. When this happens, we as parents can help bring the left hemisphere into the picture so that the child can begin to understand what’s happening. One of the best ways (B)[promote / to promote] this type of integration is to help retell the story of the frightening or painful experience. Bella, for instance, was nine years old when the toilet overflowed when she flushed, and the experience of watching the water rise and pour onto the floor left her unwilling to flush the toilet afterward. When Bella’s father, Doug, learned about the “name it to tame it” technique, he sat down with his daughter and retold the story of the time the toilet overflowed. He allowed her (C)[telling / to tell] as much of the story as she could and helped to fill in the details. After retelling the story several times, Bella’s fears lessened and eventually went away.
(A) (B) (C)
① disappointing promote to tell
② disappointed promote telling
③ disappointing to promote to tell
④ disappointed to promote to tell
⑤ disappointing to promote telling