[3강-4] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석 just the tip of the melting marketing iceberg.

[3강-4] 2024학년도 EBS 수능특강 영어 분석

just the tip of the melting marketing iceberg.

04 밑줄 친 advertising is just the tip of the melting marketing iceberg가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Marketing is based on notions that are 20 years out of date. The notion that if you put enough messages out there some of them will be heard. The notion that building the brand' is money well spent. The notion that people believe what they see and read. Recent initiatives to take advantage of Web 2.0 technologies are merely reactions that apply old techniques to new media. Marketing needs to rethink the messages it is communicating, to whom it's communicated and the methods being used. Many companies are disappointed at the lack of tangible return on their multi-million pounds marketing activities. Advertising remains the largest budget item on most firms' marketing plans. Advertising may be a fixture in a company's annual spend, but management boards are increasingly questioning why this is. The most recent Brandchannel survey illustrates this point well. Four of the world's five largest brands have never conducted any advertising, and the same is true for seven out of the 10 fastest-growing brands. There is no proven causal relationship between advertising and financial performance. And advertising is just the tip of the melting marketing iceberg. * tangible return: 유형 수익 ① Small businesses invest a fraction of their profits in advertising. ② What is visible, if any, plays a small role in advertising in general. ③ Social media advertising is gradually replacing traditional methods. ④ Advertising accounts for an increasingly small percentage of marketing. ⑤ Current marketing strategies, including advertising, are not working well.

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2024 수능특강 영어 3강[분석&미니] 4.pdf



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