부스터 Booster 구문독해 1강 read & apply 분석노트

부스터 Booster 구문독해 1강 read & apply 분석노트






1 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?


Many companies give their employees annual bonuses, expecting it will encourage them to achieve better results. However, receiving annual bonuses often does not have the desired effect because employees view their bonuses as entitlements, not as rewards for their good work. Every year most employers provide group recognition to their employees in the form of holiday parties, food gifts, or cash bonuses. Everyone receives an equal amount of recognition for loyalty and good performance. This might be well-intentioned, but employees often perceive this type of recognition as meaningless. What they should get instead is personal recognition for their own individual contributions. Sincere praise clearly communicated and provided at the right time is a much more powerful motivating force.


① 글보다는 말로 하는 직접적인 칭찬이 효과가 더 크다.

② 공로에 대한 보상은 시차를 두지 말고 즉시 시행해야 한다.

③ 개인의 공로에 대한 인정이 성과 향상에 훨씬 더 효과적이다.

④ 한 번에 보상하는 것보다는 여러 번에 나누어서 하는 것이 좋다.

⑤ 성과 향상을 위해서는 보상과 처벌을 적절히 섞어 사용해야 한다.







2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 


It was unthinkable to send sounds through electric wires until Alexander Graham Bell visited his father in the summer of 1874. There he noticed that sound could make a metal disk ①vibrate, and he knew that these disks could make electric circuits. Bell also realized that vibrations from the human voice could move very thin metal disks. He had thought of a way to transmit and receive speech over electric wires! However, ②know how was one thing, to actually send speech was another. ③ Returning to his office, he continued working on his experiments. In January 1875, he hired Thomas Watson ④to 

help him. One day, Watson found a reed stuck in his equipment and tried to free the reed. As he did, Bell, in another room, heard a ping from the transmitter. It was the first time sound ⑤had been transmitted by electricity. 


3 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? 


For many diseases, such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancers, we have long known that genetic components are involved. Some of us are more likely to gain weight, and some are more likely to have high cholesterol. ① Having those tendencies in your genes can increase the likelihood of certain kinds of diseases and problems with aging. ② Therefore, separating mental and physical health is no longer suitable in healthcare today. ③ However, your genes do not completely determine how you get a disease or how you age. ④ Through much genetic research, scientists have learned just how much the environment and our interactions with it matter. ⑤ Although we all have the genes we were born with, how we age is largely up to us. 










4 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? 


An analogy is a ① comparison between two similar things, often used to help explain a principle or an idea. Sometimes the things being compared are quite similar, but other times they may be very different. Nevertheless, an analogy explains one thing in terms of another to ② highlight the ways in which they are alike. Using an analogy to communicate has some benefits. When the listener hears the analogy, he or she has to do a little work to find the ③ similarity between the two things and to understand what is being communicated. Surely, the more effort you put in when you encounter new information, the more ④ unlikely you are to remember it later. So the effort involved in understanding the analogy makes the information more memorable. In addition, people usually feel ⑤ fulfilled when they discover something new on their own. Therefore, using an analogy makes the topic more interesting and engaging for the listener. 




5 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


In the days before the 2004 Canadian election, several polling companies all showed the race to be extremely close, with the Liberal and Conservative parties each at around 31% or 32%. 



It seems that in the final day before voting, about 5% of voters, fearful of a Conservative election victory, shifted their vote to the Liberals. “The Liberal surge was literally overnight,” said one of the Conservative advisors. 



And yet, on election day, the Liberals received 36.7% and the Conservatives 29.6%. The Liberals went from being virtually tied with the Conservatives to handily beating them. What happened? 



This shift was enough to give the Liberals a solid victory instead of a tie. In the aftermath, many people blamed the polling companies for incompetence, but in reality they were simply the victims of last-minute, unpredicted voter shifts. 


① (A) — (C) — (B) ② (B) — (A) — (C) 

③ (B) — (C) — (A) ④ (C) — (A) — (B) 

⑤ (C) — (B) — (A) 



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